Education Chair
Kim Alt
Fiber Division Chair
Kathleen Bau-Madsen
Camping Manager + Parking
Donna Roulier
(503) 884-3422
Website Administration
Sam Willits
Web Editor
Beth Hansen
(503) 512-0949
Did you know that the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival is entirely volunteer run? We would like to thank all of our donors and volunteers – we could not enjoy this festival every year without your dedication, hard work, and financial support.
If you are interested in volunteering with OFFF,
please contact Kathleen Baumadsen.
Youth Education and Activities Chair
Kristy Bellavita, Bellavita Farm & Fibers
(541) 270-6656
Livestock Division - Sheep Kirsten Holbo
(541) 979-5180
Livestock Division—Goats
Misty Thornton
(503) 537-7627
Livestock Division—Llamas
Peggy Gresham
(360) 907-5298
Livestock Division-Rabbits
Danielle Wallace, NWARA Treasurer
(541) 408-3365
Vendor and Trade Booths Chair
Barbara Keller
(541) 400-0081
Festival Planning Committee
Festival Director
Brandy Chastain, Whistlestop Farm
(503) 880-0630