Fiber Arts Division
The goal of the fiber arts division is to recognize and appreciate the unique qualities and characteristics of various natural fibers and encourage artistic and craft disciplines which utilize these fibers.
Spinning is the 2025 celebrated Craft and Angora Rabbit is the featured fiber.
Congratulations Laurel Stone, winner of the 2023 Fiber Creations Diamond Award
and the Skein Competition Diamond Award!
Come visit the fiber arts division and view these fun and educational displays and demonstrations:
ï‚· Sally McCarrick Fiber Creations And Skein Competition: knitting, crocheting, felting,
spinning, weaving and miscellaneous fiber art -
Invitational Artists Gallery
Pygora Breeders Fiber Show and display; judging is open to the public and questions are
welcome -
Cashmere Fleece Show and display; judging is open to the public and questions are welcome
Enter your work in the Fiber Arts Division Competitions!
Fiber Arts Division Awards​
ï‚·Ribbons awarded through 5th place in the Fiber Creations and Skein competitions
Rosettes awarded to Champion, Reserve Champion, Grand Champion and Reserve Grand
Champion winning entries -
Diamond Award Trophy and $100 prize presented in the Skein and the Fiber Creations
competitions -
Additional Awards for Judges choice ($50) and best use of celebrated fiber ($25)