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OFFF Fleece & Fiber Sale & Show

On Saturday and Sunday

in the Cascade Livestock Pavillion

The OFFF Fleece & Fiber Sale is back!! The Sale is hosted in tandem with the OFFF Fleece & Fiber Show and we are ready for another amazing year. You can register to show, sell, or both on the OFFF Fleece Show & Sale Entry form.


This form must be completed to show or sell fleeces. All fleeces & fibers to be sold through the sale must be entered in the OFFF Fleece & Fiber Show (either in a breed class to be judged or in Class 66 which is Sale Only.) There is NO limit to the number of fleeces an individual or farm can enter.

OFFF Fleece & Fiber Show & Sale
Classes & Rules

Wool Fleece Classes
1. Primitive/double coated
2. Solid colored longwool/coarse
(32-40+ microns)
3. Solid colored medium (23-31
4. Solid colored fine (17-22 microns)
5. Variegated longwool/coarse
(32-40+ microns)
6. Variegated medium (23-31
7. Variegated fine (17-22 microns)
8. Purebred colored
longwool/coarse (32-40+
9. Purebred colored medium (23-31
10. Purebred colored fine (17-22
11. White Romney
12. Colored Romney
13. Jacob
14. Icelandic
15. Gotland
16. Shetland
17. Wensleydale
18. White Corriedale
19. Colored Corriedale

20.White Merino
21. Colored Merino
22.White Lincoln
23.Colored Lincoln
24.White Bluefaced Leicester
25.Colored Bluefaced Leicester
26.White Border Leicester
27. Colored Border Leicester
28.Gulf Coast Native
29.Purebred white longwool/coarse
(32-40+ microns)
30.Purebred white medium (23-31
31. Purebred white fine (17-22

32.White longwool/coarse (32-40+
33.White medium (23-31 microns)
34.White fine (17-22 microns)










Fleece & Fiber Show Rules
1. The OFFF fleece & fiber show will be judged with handspinning standards in
mind focusing on usable staple, cleanliness, consistency, and appropriate handle.
2. Entry fee is $4/fleece.
3. SHOW fleeces entered in the show must be presented in a clear plastic bag. No
white or black plastic bags will be accepted. (SHOW ONLY)
a. Clear plastic bags will be available for $2/bag at check in. The exhibitor is
responsible for rebagging their own fleeces.
4. SALE fleeces must be bagged in clean, appropriately sized bags that can be
clear, white, or black.
5. No fleeces that are heavily perfumed or are heavily scented will be accepted for
6. Each entry must receive an Oregon Flock and Fiber tag available at the check-in
table with official weight, and fiber price (or NFS).
a. Price is set by the producer at check in.
7. Please send entries in as soon as possible to ensure adequate processing times.
Entry confirmations will be emailed after October 1st.
8. There is no limit of entries in the fleece & fiber show or sale.
9. Promotional materials may be inserted in fibers following final placements by the
10. The Oregon Flock and Fiber Fleece & Fiber show superintendent reserves the
right to pull fleeces or fibers from the show upon the recommendation of the
judge in order to maintain recognized high standards of quality handspinning
fleeces and fibers.
a. Disqualifying issues include: wool rot, cotting, felting, canary stain,
weakness, excessive vegetable matter, evidence of moths, mold, mildew, &
dung tags.
b. Fleeces with disqualifying issues will be pulled with a note provided as to
the cause. Please see the superintendent at the registration table with

fleeces that are questionable.

● An eligible fleece is any raw fiber that has been entered into the OFFF Fleece &
Fiber Show either in a class to be judged or Class 66 which is Sale Only.
○ Other fiber is not eligible.
● All fleeces (sale & show) will be checked-in on Friday afternoon between
11am-4pm. Sale only fleeces will be placed together and displayed during
Saturday’s show.
○ Sale only fleeces may have promotional materials placed in the fleeces at
○ Consignors determine the sale price of their own individual fleeces at
OFFF will have volunteers managing the fleece sale area at all times. Prices for fibers
and fleeces will be determined by the entrant at check-in. All sales processed through
the OFFF sale will be cash or check made out to the producer. Cards will be accepted but
cash is preferred. There is an ATM on site.
The fiber sale will begin after judging ceases (estimated 12PM on Saturday).
All fleeces must be removed at 3:00 pm on Sunday

Mohair Fleece Classes
35.White doe kid
36.White buck kid
37. White yearling doe

38. White yearling buck
39. White aged doe
40. White wether
41. Colored doe kid
42. Colored buck kid
43. Colored yearling doe
44. Colored yearling buck
45. Colored aged doe
46. Colored wether

Alpaca Fleece Classes

Suri Fleeces
47. Suri Juvenile (under 1 year), white
and light colored (light beige and light
48. Suri Juvenile dark colored (all other
colors not listed above)
49. Suri Adult (1-3 years old) white and
light colored
50. Suri Adult (1-3 years old) dark
colored (all other colors not listed
51. Suri Mature (greater than 3 years),
white and light colored
52. Suri Mature (greater than 3 years)
dark colored (all other colors not listed

Huacaya Fleeces
53. Huacaya Juvenile (under 1 year)
white, light colored (lt. beige and lt.
54. Huacaya Juvenile dark colored (all
other colors not listed above)
55. Huacaya Adult (1-3 years) white and
light colored
56. Huacaya Adult (1-3 years) dark
57. Huacaya Mature (over 3 years) white
and light colored
58. Huacaya Mature dark colored

Other Fibers

59. Rabbit
a. English Angora
b. French Angora
c. German Angora
d. Satin Angora
e. Giant Angora
f. Other
60. Hemp/Flax
61. Cotton
62. Silk
63. Miscellaneous (Please specify on
entry form)
66. Sale Only

Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival
September 21-22, 2024
Albany, OR at the Linn County Expo
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