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Goat Shows


Send entry form to:

Misty Thornton

(503) 537-7627

Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, Goat Entry

P.O. Box 517

Amity, OR  97101

Checks made payable to Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival





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2024 Show Schedule

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Support our amazing Judges!

Division IV – NWCA Cashmere Goat Show

Show Time: Saturday, September 21 , 2024 at 9 am​

Show Chair: Lyn Powell -, (650)483-2976, assistant Jaime Hudson

Judge: Jayne Deardorff ME2 Custom Fiber Processing, Coleville, WA

 Jayne is active in serving as a fiber and animal judge at different events and at several fiber gathering and fairs.
She earned her Master Handspinning Certificate from Olds College and now teaches for the college in Canada and across America.
Through the teaching and judging, Jayne is able to see what is trending in the fiber world.
Jayne and her husband own a boutique custom fiber processing mill, where she loves to make
fiber blends.
On their farm, they raise Registered Montadale and colored fleece sheep along with Cashmere
goats, cattle, hay and grain.
Being able to work with both the fiber and the animals is a true joy for Jayne. She loves to
explore the different uses of fiber and see the joy in others’ eyes as they learn about the
wonderful world of fiber.

Divisions V & VI – Angora Goat Shows

Show Times: Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 1pm for the White Angora Goats Show. 

The Naturally Colored Angora Goat Show will immediately follow the White Angora Goats.*

Show Chair: Misty Thornton, or (503) 537-7627

Judge: Sharon Chestnutt; Monroe, OR

​Sharon fell in love with Angora goats shortly after graduating with her Animal Science degree
from the University of British Columbia (UBC). She is an avid spinner and dyer, and author of
Raising Angora Goats for Beautiful Mohair. Sharon will bring her knowledge of fleece
production and experience as a fiber artist to Angora goat show.


Division VII – “Other” Fiber Goat Show

Show Time: Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 9:00 am​

Show Chair: Misty Thornton, or (503) 537-7627

Judge: Ainsley Henry

"I started my goat journey by leasing a fiber goat for 4H and soon after became fascinated with breeding and showing fiber goats. I purchased my first Pygora goats in 2018 and my herd has only grown since then. I have bred and shown fiber goats and Shetland sheep in 4H and FFA for 6 years. After shadowing judges and learning about Cashmere, Angora, and other fiber goats I fell in love with judging goats and their fiber. I judged the OFFF 2023 Cashmere goat show and I am now a sanctioned Pygora goat judge."

Division VIII Pygora Goat Show (PBA Sanctioned)

Show Time: Sunday, September 22, 2024, immediately following Div. VII (“Other” Fiber Goat Show)​

Show Chair: Misty Thornton ,

Judge: Ainsley Henry

"I started my goat journey by leasing a fiber goat for 4H and soon after became fascinated with breeding and showing fiber goats. I purchased my first Pygora goats in 2018 and my herd has only grown since then. I have bred and shown fiber goats and Shetland sheep in 4H and FFA for 6 years. After shadowing judges and learning about Cashmere, Angora, and other fiber goats I fell in love with judging goats and their fiber. I judged the OFFF 2023 Cashmere goat show and I am now a sanctioned Pygora goat judge."

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Livestock Division General Rules apply

All goats must have the required ID to be compliant with the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program. For more information, visit the USDA Veterinary Services website:  ID tags will be checked against the entry forms during health inspections.

Division VIII Pygora Goat Show (PBA Sanctioned)


1.Jr. Buck (6 months and under)

2.Jr. Buck (7-12 months old)

                    o Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Buck3.

3.Jr. Wethers (0-6 months)

4.Jr. Wethers (7-12 months)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Jr. Wether

5.Sr. Wethers (12-24 months)

6.Sr. Wethers (3-4 years)

7. Sr. Wethers (4 years and over)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Sr. Wether

                     o Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Wether

8. Jr. Does (0-6 months)

9. Jr. Does (7-12 months)

10. Jr. Does (12-24 months, never freshened)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Jr. Doe

11. Sr. Does (under 24 months, freshened)

12. Sr. Does (2-4 years)

13. Sr. Does (over 4 years)

                    o Champion & Reserve Champion Sr. Doe

                    o Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Doe

14. Unfreshened does (2-4 years old)**

15. Unfreshened does (over 4 years old)**

16. *Dam & Daughter (looking for improvement)

17. *Breeder’s Trio (3 does, same herd – can be owned by someone other than the breeder)

18. Judge’s Choice*



19. Jr. Showmanship (judged class for handlers 11 yr. & under on day of show)

20.  Intermediate Showmanship (judged class for handlers 12-14 years old on day of show)

21.  Senior Showmanship (judged class for handlers 15-19 years old on day of show)

*must show in a regular class (1-13)

** These are fun classes only and not eligible for PBA championship.

Special Notes: PBA rules to govern. All goats must have an original Certificate of Registration to enter. The certificate must be available during check in and the show. PBA Show Rules are provided upon request.


Division IV – NWCA Cashmere Goat Show

NWCA Cashmere Goat Show Rules
In addition to general OFFF livestock rules, the following apply:
 Cashmere goats are shown with a collar or halter and a short lead.
 All Cashmere goats, except kids, must have the current year’s clip present in the ring
when showing.
 Other than the judge and show crew, only exhibitors and their helpers (while
helping) are to be in the ring during the show.

1.Junior Wether—under 1 year
2.Senior Wether—over 1 year
             o Champion and Reserve Champion Wether
3.Junior Buck Kid—6 months and under
4.Senior Buck Kid—7-12 months old
             o Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Buck
5.Yearling Bucks
             o Champion and Reserve Champion Yearling Bucks
6.Bucks, 2 years and older
             o Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Buck
             o Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Buck
7.Junior Doe Kid—6 months and younger
8.Senior Doe Kid—7-12 months old
o Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Does
9. Yearling Does
             o Champion and Reserve Champion Yearling Doe
10. Does, 2 and 3 Year Old
11. Does, 4 and 5 Year-Old  
12. Aged Does, 6 Years and Older
            o Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Doe
            o Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Doe
13. Best of Fleece: Chosen from goats entered in the show*
14. Judge’s Choice Best of Fleece: Chosen from this year’s fiber clippings provided
15. Dam and Daughter (looking for improvement)*
16. Breeder’s Trio (all must be over a year in age and entered with fleece) *

*must have been shown in one of the age classes (classes 1-12)


Showmanship is a relatively new award area for the North West Cashmere
Association (NWCA). Our members became goat herders because of a love of

Cashmere. Our youth are the future of American Cashmere.

Our judge looks for the following during the Showmanship Classes:

 Appearance of Animal
 Appearance of Exhibitor
 Showing the Goat in the Ring
 Knowledge of the Goat

17. Junior Youth Showmanship (ages 8 to 11 years old)
18. Senior Youth Showmanship (ages 12 to 18 years old)


Divisions V & VI – Angora Goat Shows


Important Notes:

​Angora goat registration is not a requirement to show. Angora goats may be shown only in the colored Angora show, or the white Angora show, but not in the “OTHER FIBER GOAT” show. Kids should be at least 4 months old unless and penned with their dam.

An exhibitor may enter only one entry in the group classes.


Angora Goat Show Classes (Division V -White and Division VI -Naturally Colored)

1. Junior Wethers (under 12 months old)

2. Senior Wethers (12 months and older)

  • Champion & Reserve Champion Wether

3. Junior Bucks, kid (Born 3/16/23 or later)

4. Senior Bucks, kid (born 1/1/23 through 3/15/23)

5. Pair of Buck Kids***

6. Bucks, yearling (under 2 years old)

  • Champion & Reserve Champion Junior Buck

7. Bucks, aged (2 -3 years old)

8. Bucks, aged (4 years and older)

  • Champion & Reserve Champion Senior Buck

  • Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Buck

9. Junior Does, kid (Born 3/16/23 or later) 

10. Senior Does, kid (born 1/1/23 through 3/15/23) 

11. Pair of Doe Kids***

12. Does, yearling (under 2 years)

  • Champion & Reserve Champion Junior Doe

13. Does, aged (2-3 years) 

14. Does, senior (4 years and older) 

  • Champion & Reserve Champion Senior Doe

  • Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Doe

15. Dam and  Daughter (Looking for improvement)

16. Best Young Flock (1 buck kid and 2 doe kids)***

17. Judge’s Choice (Best fleece)***

*** Note: Animals must have been shown in another class.

Division VII – “Other” Fiber Goat Show

Note: This show is only for fiber goats that do not qualify for the Cashmere, Angora and Pygora goat shows, such as Caporas, Nigoras and Cashgoras.

Note: White Angora goats, color-carriers or not  will be shown in the white Angora show and colored Angoras in the colored Angora show. If you are unsure where your goat belongs, contact the show chair.


1.Jr. Bucks (6 months and under)

2.Jr. Bucks (7-12 months old)

                    o Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Buck

3.Sr. Bucks (12-24 months)

4.Sr. Bucks (3-4 years)

5.Sr. Bucks (4 years and older)

                    o Champion & Reserve Champion Senior Buck

                    o  Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Buck

6.Jr. Wethers (0-6 months)

7.Jr. Wethers (7-12 months)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Jr. Wether

8.Sr. Wethers (12-24 months)

9.Sr. Wethers (3-4 years)

10. Sr. Wethers (4 years and over)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Sr. Wether

                     o Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Wether

11. Jr. Does (0-6 months)

12. Jr. Does (7-12 months)

13. Jr. Does (12-24 months, never freshened)

                     o Champion & Reserve Champion Jr. Doe

14. Sr. Does (under 24 months, freshened)

15. Sr. Does (2-4 years)

16. Sr. Does (over 4 years)

                    o Champion & Reserve Champion Sr. Doe

                    o Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Doe

17. Best Young Flock (1 buck kid and 2 doe kids; looking for consistency)*

18. Dam and Daughter*

19. Judge’s Choice*

* Note: Animals must have been shown in another class

Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival
September 21-22, 2024
Albany, OR at the Linn County Expo
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