Kirsten Holbo
(541) 979-5180
(503) 537-7627
Kirk Gresham
(360) 907-5297
llamacollection@msn .com
Livestock Division
Volunteers needed! Please contact:
2024 Livestock Division General Rules
General livestock rules and specific show rules apply to all exhibitors.
Please see specific breed show information for other rules that may apply.
OFFF is not responsible for damage or loss while on the Event Center grounds.
Livestock sales are by private treaty.
All decisions of the judge and/or OFFF are final. Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated, and individuals may be excused from future OFFF shows.
No dogs or pets are allowed on the Event Center grounds except assistance dogs.
Important: All animals brought to the Event Center grounds must be placed in pens.
The Event Center does not allow livestock to be housed in trailers.
All vehicles, including trailers, must have an OFFF Livestock Pass visible while on the Event Center grounds. Two passes, one for the vehicle and one for a trailer, are included with entry confirmation.
Additionally: Any animals brought on premises MUST have been entered for show, exhibit, or sale.
All entries must be postmarked by September 1st, 2024. Use the entry forms above. Entries are accepted in the received order as space permits.
$25 late fee for entries after September 1, 2024.
Awards – Sheep, Goats
Ribbons are awarded 1st – 5th place in all classes with rosettes going to champions
Special Awards
OFFF Diamond Award Trophy and $100 cash award to Supreme Grand Champions
Breed Specific Awards
Morris Culver Memorial Best Fleece Award given to the Best Fleece Ram overall
Jan McMahon Best Fleece Award given to the Best Fleece Ewe overall
Cash prizes and awards are awarded as donated so be sure to reach out to
your breed associations to promote your breed.
Pygora: Grand Champion Doe
Grand Champion Wether
Sally McCarrick Memorial Award for Best Fleece on a Wether
Showmanship (Junior, Intermediate, Senior)
Cashmere: Lisa Zietz Memorial Award for The Best Cashmere Goat
Pen Space for Sheep, Goats, and Llamas
Exhibitors must use only assigned pens. Every effort is made to give
exhibitors the number of pens requested, but space is limited. Tack pens are
shared by several exhibitors (may or may not be available; animals are
housed first). Aisles must be kept clear. Feed and equipment must be stored
in trailers or assigned tack areas (if available).
Sales pens
Sheep and Goat Sales pens are $75 per pen and approximately 40 square
feet. Llama Sales pens are $150 and approximately 100 square feet. These
pens are designed for the small breeder to showcase their animals and
market products from them. You must have at least one pen with animals
for exhibit or show. See animal entry forms to purchase a
sales pen (limit of 2). Insurance is required.
OFFF Insurance information for Sheep, Goats, and Llamas
Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival and Committee needs to be listed as an
additional insured. A standard $1,000,000 policy is required as insurance
must cover customers coming into the sales pen(s).
Copies of insurance can be mailed with your entry fees or emailed to your
species’ supervisor.
Address of the event is:
Linn Co. Event Center
3700 Knox Butte Rd E,
Albany, OR 97322
Proof of insurance needs to be emailed to (sheep, alpaca) (goats)
or Kirk Gresham (llamas)
Sheep and Goats
NOTE: The flooring in the barn is concrete. Wheat straw is available for purchase through the Goat and Sheep entry forms.
NEW for 2023: Entries will be based on # of sheep/goats rather than pens purchased.
Entry fees for 2024 are $8/sheep or goat.
Animal pens are roughly 6’x6’ and can roughly house 2-3 yearlings or lambs/kids.
Buck pens: Outdoor buck pens are $8.00 per head per farm
BUCKS OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS MUST BE HOUSED IN A BUCK PEN, NO EXCEPTIONS. Additional pens may be available depending on space.
Please use good judgment and leave extra-smelly bucks at home. Adult bucks
are to be kept in their assigned area or the show ring only and not to be
walked through the goat barn or public areas on their way to the ring. Each
exhibitor/farm will be assigned a buck pen as available. Extra pens may be
available as space allows.
At the discretion of the goat supervisor, you may be asked to house your buck
in a horse stall or at home. This would be based on factors such as animal
behavior, and / or fragrance.
Display pens: 6’x6’, $30.00 per pen (limit 1 per exhibitor)
Display pens are for advertising animals that are NOT selling anything out of this pen.
(Distributing pictures, business cards, and other advertisements for farm /
Tack pens are free and shared by exhibitors.*** tack pens are not guaranteed.
animals take priority***
Tables and chairs are not allowed in aisles or animal-only pens.
Pen Cards
Pen cards are available at the breed specific information table and should be
posted for each animal. Please clearly identify your farm and animals that are
“For Sale” and NFS (not for sale). Please remember we are having the
People’s Choice Awards, more information means more votes.
(You may bring an additional card with the animal’s picture and name)
Arrival – Sheep, Goats (Are Llamas on a different schedule?)
Livestock is received during the following hours:
• Friday, 7:00 am - 8:00 am (this check-in time is only for workshop
attendees with sheep or goats)
• Friday, 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm
(After 7:00 PM must contact breed supervisor)
• Saturday, 7:00–8:00 am; all animals must be in place by 8:30 am,
• If arriving after scheduled check in times, you MAY NOT unload your
animals and must wait until the next scheduled check in time. If animals
are unloaded without permission, the exhibitor will be asked to remove
their animals from the premises immediately and will not be allowed to
show for the current year. Subsequent infractions may result in the
exhibitor being banned from any or all future events.
Sheep and Goats: As a courtesy to Festival visitors, both show and exhibit
animals must remain until Sunday closing (4:00 pm). Any and all exceptions
must be cleared with the livestock coordinator.
ILR Llama Show: See show packet.
Health and Safety – Sheep, Goats, Llamas
OFFF shall not insure, nor be responsible for the safety, show, exhibit or sale
of livestock or the person(s) tending them.
Health Inspection – Sheep, Goats
All animals crossing state lines must have health certificates that meet the
Oregon Dept. of Agriculture regulations. No animals will be unloaded until
inspected and checked in by an OFFF check-in team member. No Exceptions!
All animals must be sound, healthy and free of external parasites. No sheep
or goat showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be
permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. The OFFF reserves the right to
require removal of any animal deemed unhealthy. Sheep and goats must
have the required ID to be compliant with the USDA Scrapie Eradication
Program. For more information, visit the USDA Veterinary Services website:
Water, Feed, and Bedding - Sheep, Goats, Llamas
Exhibitors are responsible for and must provide water buckets and feed for
their animals. See entry form for bedding straw sale. All Sheep and Goats
must have bedding in pens.
Exhibitor Sale-Only Animals - Sheep, Goats, Llamas
Animals entered for exhibit or sale only (not entered in a show) are accepted
as space permits. OFFF reserves the right to limit the number of animals
brought for exhibit/sale by any person.
General Show Information
Each show/division must have a minimum of 5 exhibitors and 20 animals. Any
single breed meeting this requirement is assigned its own show. Breeds failing
to meet this requirement will be in a combined show (Other Fiber Goat Show
or Sheep Lot L-Z).
Breed registration is not required for entry in general OFFF shows. Breed-
sponsored shows that require registered animals are noted in the class list
Any exhibitor or visitor who interferes with a judge during a show will be
ejected immediately from the Festival.
An exhibitor may enter only two sheep per class for show. Individual animals
may be shown in only one lot.
The judge will select and evaluate the top 10 sheep in any class with more
than 15 sheep entered and where ribbons 1-5 are awarded.
Fiber length must be appropriate to show the quality of the fleece/fiber for
each specific breed.
· Fine-wool sheep breeds: 2+ inches
· Medium-wool sheep breeds: 2-1/2+ inches
· Long-wool breeds: 3+ inches
Fiber length must be appropriate to show the quality of the fleece/fiber for
each specific breed.
Goats must be shown on a lead in all divisions except White and Colored
Angora Goats.