2024 Show Information
2024 Judge: Eric Wellman
Note: The judge will select and evaluate the top 10 sheep in any class with more than 15 sheep entered and where ribbons 1-5 are awarded.
Livestock Division General Rules apply
Sheep may be entered in only one wool category:
F (Fine): spin count 60s and up (24.94μ and lower)
Ex) Merino, Rambouillet
M (Medium): spin count 50-58 (24.95-30.99μ)
Ex) Corriedale, Columbia, Dorset
L (Long/Coarse): spin count 48 and lower (31μ and up)
Ex) Lincoln, Gotland
Sheep Show Classes
1 – Yearling rams (less than 24 months)
2 – Ram lambs (less than 12 months)
3 – *Pair of Ram Lambs
4 – Yearling ewes (less than 24 months)
5 – Ewe lambs (less than 12 months)
6 – *Pair of Ewe Lambs
7 – * Best Flock—one ram and two ewes (any age)
8 – * Best Fleece—judged on the condition of fleece on the animal that day,
including uniformity, handle and condition as it relates to value and use for
the hand spinning/craft market.
* Must have been shown in individual classes.
Additional Lots may be added if there are enough sheep of that “breed” in a Class.
Please be specific on your Sheep Show Entry if your sheep is a cross or purebred for
Lot designation.
Lot A white long wool
Lot B white wool med/fine
Lot C colored wool long
Lot D colored wool med/fine
Lot F white Romney
Lot G colored Romney
Lot H-K classic sheep includes Shetland (H) Icelandic (I) Jacob (J)
Navajo Churro (K)
Lot M - AOB Primitive
Registration papers are not required unless specifically stated for a
sponsored award
Diamond Awards and Best fleece Awards will be presented on Sunday after all lots have shown.